Top Coats |
PROSPEC L5 10L Premium quality, waterbased High Build all in one undercoat and Ceiling finish coating that delivers a dead flat sheen with consistent surface equalisation over the substrate. |
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PROSPEC MF MIRROR FINISH WB ENAMEL WHITE 10L A low odour industry first, high build water based Enamel finish coat that when applied over Prospec HS delivers a finish that is traditionally only achieved with Lacquer or Oil based enamels. Prospec Mirror Finish Enamel is based on a novel polymer platform that conveys excellent early toughness and chemical resistance to the coating’s properties. |
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PROSPEC LS INTERIOR LOW SHEEN WHITE 10L A low odour industry first, high build water based Enamel finish coat that when applied over Prospec HS delivers a finish that is traditionally only achieved with Lacquer or Oil based enamels. Prospec Mirror Finish Enamel is based on a novel polymer platform that conveys excellent early toughness and chemical resistance to the coating’s properties. |
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PROSPEC LE WB ENAMEL LOW SHEEN WHITE 10L A high-quality interior water-based enamel coating with outstanding wet area performance characteristics. Prospec LE also provides a highly washable and durable surface where for regular cleaning is required. LE shares the same sheen as Prospec LS Acrylic. |
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PROSPEC CP4 CEILING PAINT 10L Acrylic interior flat that has zero light reflectance that creates improved hiding on ceilings where a dead flat finish is required, it provides spatter free application and provides a flat Level 4 finish. |
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PROSPEC EX HIGH BUILD SATIN WHITE 10L An acrylic based exterior Wall paint. Specially formulated high build technology provides enhanced durability to exterior broardwall surfaces including timber and cementitious weatherboards, mortar renders, synthetic resin plasters, EIFS and solid masonry construction. |
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Primers |
PROSPEC BP BONDING PRIMER 10L A high-quality water based 100% acrylic primer/undercoat for all bare timber, custom wood, pressed chip board and MDF. Bonding Primers Adhesion technology provides excellent adhesion to correctly prepared surfaces such as aged enamel, acrylic and polyurethane surfaces. |
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PROSPEC HS HOLDOUT SEALER 10L Premium quality, fast drying sealer, and undercoat for interior and selected exterior applications. It provides excellent adhesion, high opacity and a hard-even surface that is free sanding with low dust. Excellent hold out for topcoats. |
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